Inky, Webranger


Hey! There are only two more days until the Olympics- holy hotdogs!  I've been learning a lot about China in preparation.   Has anyone else seen the programs on National Geographic about the new Bird's Nest stadium and the Water Cube?  What about the China specials on Animal Planet?

I've been really busy this week, because I just finished all the activities on the National Parks Service's Webrangers site! If you don't get a lot of opportunities to go to National Parks and are a kid, you can earn a patch by doing all kinds of awesome stuff.   I really liked the train mystery!  Go sign up, it's so much fun! Even Ice Bat thinks it's awesome.

Only a little bit longer until the new episode of Mythbusters!  It's going to be about the moon landing! Space AND Mythbusters? What could be better?

P.S. Does anyone else have Dr. Mario on their Wii?

1 comment

  1. My dad helped work on some of the webrangers games!
