2011 Birthday Invitation!

2011 party invite

Happy  November! It's my birthday month! You are all invited to my birthday party!


  1. Hi Inky!

    Happy almost-birthday! :-)

    We wish we could come to your party in person, but since we live so far away, please consider us virtual attendees.

    The Greens and The Roses

  2. Hello Inky!
    I live too far also, but, i can attened through my blog and internet!!! My birthday is November 23! Where did you make your invition???

  3. Hello Greens & Roses!

    Thank you for the kind birthday wishes. :) I understand that you won't be able to make it down to NYC- that would be a lot of airfare and I don't think my moms would let me have that many guests in the apartment!


  4. Hi Violet! That is so awesome that we have the same birthday! Did you know our birthday will be on Thanksgiving in 2017?

    I made my invitation on Adobe Photoshop CS 5.1. :)

    =^..^= Inky =^..^=

  5. Happy Birthday Inky

    While I am on the East Coast I too will not be able to make it to your party as we have a large doll family and it makes travel difficult. There are 4 of us, two girls and 2 boys and then there are the 2 foster dolls but we wish you a
    С Днем Рождения. (Mom's third generation Russian but she needed google translate to help me write that)

    Beth from Beth's Blog, katie, Andy and Kendall.

  6. OO, how exciting Inky! What do you have planned for the party?

    Is there anything that you're hoping to receive?

  7. Oh, wish we could come for your party too, but again it would be too much for all of us to come and your moms would not want all of us there. LOL

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday and that is so kewl your birthday will be on Thanksgiving in 2017, you should have a lot of fun for that.


  8. Hi Inky! November is a wonderful month to be born! I'm down here in Texas, so I'll just be another virtual attendee, but take lots of pictures! Happy Birthday!

  9. Hi Inky!
    Thanks for the invitation but I can't come this year. I've got a lot of homework due that week plus its Uncle Bob's birthday on the 29th. I looked over your wish list and it looks nice and varied.
    Have a wonderful birthday beautiful girl!!
    Mama Sloan

  10. Hi Inky! Guess what! My birthday IS on Thanksgiving this year. I'm kind of excited about that, but I don't know why. haahaaa
    Have a great party and some day I hope I can come to New York.

    ~ Kiki

  11. AmericanGirlCrazy123November 20, 2011 at 6:51 PM

    I wish I could come, Inky! That's kind of impossible, though.. I love your invitation!

  12. поздравляю с днем рождения!

  13. The theme of this year's party looks really cool!

    Question- why do you always turn eleven?

    My birthday is December seventh.

    -Natalie, a MAG #40
