Exploring Norwich

Inky in Norwich

One of the best parts of traveling is seeing loved ones.  Our last little side trip in the UK was to Norwich, to see family friends.  Our friends took us on a walk through Norwich on a sunny Sunday. It was exactly what my family needed after so much activity on our adventures.

Norwich has a lot of flint architecture.  Flint is plentiful in Norfolk, the county in which Norwich lies.  Many of the older buildings are built with un-knapped flint. I think it looks really cool! Do you see the large pieces on flint in the building behind me in the photo above?

Inky in Norwich

Norwich is a beautiful city.  I liked this street with its cobblestone and the red door behind me! There was a little toy shop with darling old-fashioned teddy bears as well.  It's called The Bear Shop and someday, I would like to go back and explore it! Can you imagine an entire shop filled to the brim with fancy teddy bears? It was so sweet.

Inky in Norwich

Norwich has a program for charity called GoGo Hares. Different artists decorated large hares that were placed all over the city.  This one is called Norvicenses Salientes, or Sally! It's a white hare with beautiful blue flowers and little cameo portraits.  With help from my Mama and our family friend, I climbed up and sat between Sally's ears.  When I was researching GoGo Hares, I learned that Sally sold for £4,600! Holy hotdogs! I'm glad Sally the Hare was so helpful to her community.

Inky in Norwich

Here I am at Norwich Cathedral. It was my second cathedral of my trip, as I also visited Canterbury Cathedral the week before. The cathedral, like the wall in the first photo of this post, is partially composed of flint! I love how it was built of local materials.  Construction on Norwich cathedral between in 1096, which is over 900 years ago! Isn't that amazing?

Inky in Norwich

Our visit to Norwich was sadly very short, as my parents and I had one more small adventure planned to begin the next morning.  We stopped for refreshments at a pub before heading back to London. I had a lemonade next to this big wall of beautiful flowers.

I loved our short and sweet visit to Norwich. I can't wait to go back again someday!

Have you ever been somewhere you never thought you'd visit, because friends or family live there? Where did you go?

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