Exploring London


The day after we saw Hamilton was Brooke's last day in London.  I decided to go see her at her hotel to say goodbye.  Though I am pretty independent at home in NYC, my parents don't let me explore too much on my own in London.  My family was staying with my aunt, Mama's sister, in London.  I know my way around her neighborhood, but to go to Brooke's hotel, I needed to use a map to figure out which bus to take!


As it turned out, a bus ride from my aunt's neighborhood to Brooke's family's hotel would be very, very long! We ended up riding a bus and then transferring to the tube, which is London's subway system. I did all the navigating myself, but my parents were along for supervision. I was so proud when we ended up right outside the hotel!


There was Brooke! I gave her a big hug and thanked her grandparents for taking us all on such a fantastic adventure. I can't believe all the places Brooke and I went together- Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Scotland, England, and France! Wow! I would be staying on in Europe for a few more days with my parents, so I gave Brooke a giant hug and a high-five. Then, my moms and I did some exploring.

Have you ever gone on a vacation with a friend or a friend's family? Where did you go?

1 comment

  1. I love the first photo so much! I went on vacation to North Carolina with my boyfriend and his family in 2017, and it was wonderful.
