Exploring København


One of my family's favorite movies is Hans Christian Andersen, which stars Danny Kaye. I love how they sing about the city of Copenhagen! As a result, I was delighted when my friend and frequent travel companion, Brooke Lazzara, and her family invited my family on a trip to Northern Europe.

The trip began in Copenhagen, which is properly known as "København" in Danish.  I arrived on a sunny Wednesday morning, met Brooke at our hotel, and immediately began exploring with her!  This photo is at Caritasbrønden, the oldest fountain in the city.


Our goal was to head to Tivoli, but we started by walking along Strøget, a pedestrian shopping street. Brooke and I share a fascination with McDonald's restaurants in other countries, so we started there. We like to see the different things they offer! I tried "Chili cheese tops," which were like triangular mozzarella sticks with hot peppers! Our next stop was the Lego store, which you can see in this photo.  I loved all the dioramas they had set up of different Danish scenes- like this one of Nyhavn! Nyhavn is a part of København that lies along a canal.


As we walked to Tivoli, we discovered Nytorv. Nytorv, which is "New Market" or "New Square" in English, is a beautiful square in front of København's court house.  Apparently, Nytorv is where København held its executions many years ago! Yikes!


Across from Nytorv lies Gammeltorv, or "Old Market." Caritasbrønden, the fountain in the first picture of this post, is in Gammeltorv.  The fountain is so pretty!


At the very end of Strøget, the shopping street, you can find Rådhuspladsen. Rådhuspladsen is the square in front of København's city hall.  Brooke and I were very, very excited at the festival there- Copenhagen Pride! I have two moms, so the festival was very exciting for me. We ran around and smiled at the other kids. Neither Brooke nor I speak Danish, so we didn't say much beyond "Happy Pride!"

After we enjoyed ourselves at the pride festival, it was time to leave Strøget for our destination, Tivoli! Tivoli is the second-oldest amusement park in the entire world! I'll save our visit there for my next blog post though. 

Have you ever visited Denmark? What did you love? If not, would you like to go someday?


  1. Did you and Brooke plan to go to Pride in København or does Pride just follow wherever you go? :) It looks like you did a lot of other really fun things too - the Danish Lego store looks like a really fun experience! And the chili cheese tops sound intriguing!

  2. I have never been to Denmark but if I go, I want to go with Inky :-) (And maybe Minh!)

  3. Wow, Inky! You did a lot in Copenhagen! Excited to hear about Tivoli!
