An afternoon at Violet's Cabin!

Inky @ Violet's Cabin

Hello my friends! It was totally hard to be in Utah without my best friend, Violet.  While I was there, she was away at summer camp.  Luckily, her parents were so nice as to include me on a trip to their cabin! I was so excited because Violet has told me all about it.   Still, in all my trips to Utah, I'd never been.

Inky @ Violet's Cabin

Near the cabin is this incredible meadow!  It is surrounded by beautiful aspens.  It felt so magical to be there, even though I really wished Violet could have been there too.  It was a hot day and I loved exploring like a little brownie fairy girl in the wild!

Inky @ Violet's Cabin

There was a really, really cool stream in the meadow! Violet's mama said I could play in it.  The water was shallow and cold.  I stepped very carefully and played in the water. It was so fun! Of course a brownie fairy girl would have her very own stream.

Inky @ Violet's Cabin

The stream was awesome! I loved all the smooth rocks at the bottom and all the big rocks poking up from the water that I could hop between.  I really, really wish that I could have a stream in my courtyard back home in New York, but I think it would probably be really gross and polluted.

Inky @ Violet's Cabin

After I played in the stream for ages and ages, I decided I really needed a rest.  I found a spot with no nettles among some pretty yellow flowers (Does anyone know what the flowers are called?) and took a little rest.  I daydreamed about shrinking really small and living in the big, wide meadow and riding on the back of a dragonfly.

Inky @ Violet's Cabin

Soon enough, I woke up (the sun was really too bright to nap!) from my rest.  My shoes were finally dry so I walked up and down the road that cuts through the middle of the meadow.  It was such a beautiful day to be exploring.  I heard Mama and Violet's parents calling me to lunch- yum!

Inky @ Violet's Cabin

After lunch and lots of playing in the meadow, the sun started to set over the mountains.  We would be leaving to go back to the house soon, but I had a little while left to play.  Violet's mom told me that I could go back to the stream and look for little frogs! How could I resist? I ran down the path to the stream and began my search.

Inky @ Violet's Cabin

Success! I found a little froggy! It was so tiny and cute! I had Mama snap this photo before he jumped off my hand back into the stream.  I was so excited that the frog let me catch him.  It reminded me of the time Violet and I found a hermit crab on Corn Hill Beach on Cape Cod.

Inky @ Violet's Cabin

Finally it was time to go home to Violet's family's house.  I scrambled through the aspen forest to the car back at the cabin. On the way, I paused to make a mountain wish- I wished that the next time I came to Utah, Violet would be home from camp and able to explore the mountain meadow with me!

Have you ever spent time at a cabin? Was it on the beach? in the mountains? the forest?

In this post I'm wearing: shirt by Royal Doll Boutique; shorts, shoes, and hair accessories by American Girl.

1 comment

  1. You look like you had such a fun time!
    ~Nicole @
