Red Butte Garden

Inky @ Red Butte Garden

Hello my friends!  One of the places my friend Violet has been telling me about for ages is Red Butte Garden.  I was so excited to get to visit it while I was in Utah! It was so beautiful.  There were lovely green plants, colorful flowers, and lots of fountains and water features.

Inky @ Red Butte Garden

I was happy to spend an afternoon there.  Look at the pretty flowers behind me! Do you know what kind they are? I don't, but I bet Violet could have told me.  She is very smart when it comes to botany.

Inky @ Red Butte Garden

This is not a great photo, but I like it because it reminds me of a cool part of Red Butte! There is a little deck where you can buy food to feed the koi and ducks!  So cool, right?

Inky @ Red Butte Garden

I had a great time walking through the gardens.  The colors were so vivid! I hope that I can go back sometime during another season so I can see what Red Butte looks like then.

Have you ever been to a garden or arboretum? What was it like?

In this post I'm wearing: shirt by Liberty Jane Clothing; hair accessories, shorts, and shoes by American Girl.


  1. Wonderful photos and beautiful scenery!
    Come visit us at
    ~The OurAGDollhouse dolls
