National Museum of the American Indian


This weekend, Summer and I came down to Washington, DC with my Mama. We have plans for Sunday, but for today, we let Summer pick what she wanted to do- and she chose the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI)! I was really excited because I hadn't been there in a few years. The museum is built like a giant spiral around a big rotunda- here's Summer with the spiral of the ceiling behind her. Isn't it pretty?


The museum has a big, light-filled new exhibit called ImagiNations, where kids can learn about the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Here's Summer playing in a big sculpture of a basket.


ImagiNations has lots of little mini exhibits to teach about different aspects of indigenous culture. The exhibit signs are all in both Spanish and English, which is really nice. Here's Summer with a little dish of beans- one of the "three sisters" crops (corn, beans, and squash).


My favorite part of the ImagiNations exhibit was this big tipi and library! There is a giant bookshelf of books all about indigenous peoples and children. The tipi is full of cozy blankets and furs where kids can curl up and read the museum's book collection. It was so cool! I could have stayed for hours.


Down on the first floor of the museum, we saw this cool outrigger canoe just as we were leaving. It reminded me of my friend Maiki, who is from Hawaii. Summer loved it too- she's from the desert and had never seen an outrigger canoe in person.


Outside the museum, there is a beautiful sculpture garden filled with fountains. Of course, Summer and I had to take photos by the fountains! Doesn't Summer look pretty?


Here we are together in front of the biggest fountain of all! The water was pounding against the rocks just like on the ocean shore. We both agreed it that it was awesome. (P.S. Do you like our matching outfits?)


I'm so glad we got to take Summer to the NMAI! The ImagiNations exhibit was awesome; we both learned so much. I hope we get to go back and explore more of the museum next time I'm in DC. If you ever are in the city, you should definitely check it out! Have you ever been to a museum? Did you have a favorite exhibit?

In this entry I'm wearing: flutter-sleeve shirt from Royal Doll Boutique, jeans by American Girl, and Janes shoes. 


  1. Hi Inky,

    My guardian loves that museum! Besides the exhibits, she also adores the food they serve. It beats eating from a street vendor because she's a health food junkie! ;)

    I'm sure Summer appreciated you taking her to a museum about her ancestors, even if American Indians from the east coast are very different from American Indians in the southwest.

    Speaking of Summer, she does look very pretty in the embroidered top. Yellow really suits her! I prefer your green and blue embroidered top, though - we love wearing greens and blues here!


    1. Hi Sophie!
      I LOVE the food at the American Indian museum! I got an Indian taco and a frybread with blueberry mash on top. Yum!

      I think Summer really enjoyed the museum. The museum covers American Indians from all over the Americas, so there were even things to see about her people.

      Thank you for your compliment on our shirts!


  2. Hi Inky,
    I had such a great time today!! I loved the fountain and the teepee the best, too. Thank you for taking me to such an amazing place.
    Love, Summer

    1. Hi Summer!
      It is so funny to use the computers when we are next to each other on the bed!


  3. Hey Inky!

    WOW! What a neat museum and how kind of you to let Summer pick where to go today! How fun! I am so jealous! That tipi sounds wonderful!


    1. Hi Miri,
      The tipi was super cool! If you ever have the chance to go to DC, definitely make a stop at the American Indian museum!

  4. This is awesome! I bet Summer was thrilled to visit that museum and it would be fun to wear matching shirts, too.


    1. Hi Kiki!
      It was fun to wear matching shirts!


  5. Way KEWL Inky, that would be a great place to visit too, we are so jealous at how many wonderful places you have to visit when people come over. We wish we had more really great places to see here.

    I would have loved to see the sea life at the museum when Mama came to visit you. I have never been to a museum yet.

    Summer looks like she had fun too, that would have been neat to see the boat in person for the first time. I love museums.

    I love your matching and yet not matching outfits, that is the cutest pattern for a top.

    Ta Ta,

    1. Hi Kelsyee!
      Museums are awesome! There are so many that I still want to visit. For example, I'd love to see the children's exhibit at the Holocaust Museum. My parents (and the museum) say I'm too young for the main exhibit, but there is a great children's section that I want to see on my next visit!


  6. You are so lucky to live where you have so much to see. Nana and Morgan had so much fun with you and your Mom at the Natural History Museum. Thank you for sharing the great things you do.

    A Friend


    1. Hi Kyle!
      Thanks for being a great reader!


  7. What a cool adventure! I love your shirts!
