Easter Egg Carrier Contest!


One of my favorite Easter traditions is making and decorating egg carriers. When my Mama was a girl, her friends and family used to give each other their prettiest Easter Eggs in these little carriers. I invited my new neighbor, Zoya Yumiko, and her cousin, Megumi, over to make Easter Egg carriers to share with our friends.


Some of the Egg Carriers come with pretty Russian designs, but some of them are just plain white. You can decorate those.


All you need is an Egg Carrier and some colored pencils, crayons, or markers. You can even use glitter if you want.


Draw all over the Egg Carrier until it's as pretty as you want it to be.


Then, take an Easter Egg and slide it into the Egg Carrier. You're done!


Here's Megumi with a blank one- you can leave them plain white if you'd like.


Here are some up close so that you can see them better!

So here's the big news- I'm having an Egg Carrier contest! All you have to do is save the template below. Print out your template at 5 inches across (it should already be that size) and cut it out. Cut out the pink parts too. (It can be easier to use a hole punch on the handles.)

Shklatulok Template

Decorate your Egg Carrier to your heart's delight, then e-mail a picture of it to me at inkymarina@gmail.com. You can also decorate it with photoshop ot whatever image editing program you use. Turn in your designs by April 8th at 9pm Eastern Time. I'll choose a winner on Easter and send the winner a doll-sized Springtime basket with lots of treats, including a doll-sized Uglydoll!

Good luck! I can't wait to see your designs!


  1. Awesome! I'mma start right away!
    Hey inky, I just noticed, but what happened to the signed ice bat poster you had before you moved? it was so sweet!

    1. Lanie, that's a good question! I put it somewhere to keep it safe before we moved- and now I can't find it! I hope it'll turn up someday.


  2. Those look fantastic! It sounds fun, I think I'll try them soon with my sisters!


  3. That sounds like fun! Thank you for having the contest, Inky. This'll give me a chance to break in my new colored pencils.


  4. Hi Inky! It looks like you girls had a lot of fun! Thanks for having the contest!

    Reese <3

  5. Wow! That's so cool. Might enter!
    And what camera do you use? Currently I am shopping for one and your pictures are sooooooo good I just have to know!


  6. How fun, I cannot wait to get started on mine, I have never seen the egg carriers before, that is so kewl ..

  7. I just love Zoya's freckles! It must be so fun to have neighbours your age. I live in a rural area, so I don't have any friends that live within walking or biking distance.

    PS To your mom: Is Zoya a custom doll?

  8. I was trying to decide if I should enter this contest or not, and I finally decided that I will enter it :)

    Inky- I just added your website to my list of 'recommended doll websites'. Click my name to go to my website... that's where the post is (you might ahve to scroll down to find it, because I did the post a while ago)

  9. Inky-

    Great post! I was wondering what you looked like with your hair down! Your buns are the cutest EVER but I was wondering if there is a post where you hair was done or for your next post you could keep your hair down!!!!
    *lots of hugs*

  10. I really like Magumi's dress: reminds me so much of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz!
