Happy Weekend!

It's April 11th! That means today is the 40th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 13.  Have you ever seen the movie about Apollo 13 with Tom Hanks? It's really good.  Sometimes I get nervous that the astronauts won't make it back to Earth safely, but they always do!

Inky Outside

Since the weather has been warmer, I have been playing outside a lot more often. I brought some of my Playmobil animals outside to play Africa. Wouldn't it be awesome to visit Africa someday? I would love to see zebras, giraffes, hippos, and rhinos. There is an awesome television program on the Discovery Channel right now, called Life. It's the sequel to Planet Earth. It has really awesome footage of animals from all over the world, including Africa. The meerkats are the best!

Inky Outside

I was playing in the park across the street when I saw the new girl! Remember her? The one who thought it was weird that I don't match my parents? I don't think she saw me; she was skating around on rollerblades. I think if I see her again, I will say hello, but only if she says hello first. 

Inky Outside

I'm so happy that spring is finally here! Everything is turning so green. The little leaf buds on the big tree outside our window are opening up. I don't think it can really be spring until the trees have leaves on them- what do you think?

Inky Outside

I'm so excited for spring- and for summer! I'm really hoping that some of my friends can come visit me. I also hope my parents will take me on a trip somewhere. New York City is a wonderful place to live, but I love traveling even more. If you could go on a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I'd choose Siberia, South Africa, New Zealand, Alaska, and Peru!


  1. Hi Inky,
    I haven't seen "Life," but it sounds good. I'll have to look for it on TV. I think you should just say hi to the new girl, even if she doesn't say hi first. You might gain a friend, (and she might gain some enlightenment).
    I'm glad you've gotten more time outside to play. Looks like you'll have lush green grass to roll in soon!!

  2. PS: I've got two of the same: New Zealand, Alaska, Hawaii, India, Greece, and Ireland.

  3. I love your shirt, and your Playmobil!

    I have so much playmobil that its hard to count.

  4. My class had to watch Apollo 13 in 6th and 8th grades. I have a big list of countries I want to go to (*or go back to): Egypt, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Israel, Singapore, Australia, Canada, Germany*, Russia*, Brazil.

  5. Yay for Space! The dolls here are starting a space unit of, erm, not-school. But it's different that your not-school.

    I used to have a toy zebra that I loved! It talked, and I always had it go on adventures. Your playmobil animals look fun.

    It's rainy here, but still green! It's always green, though. We don't get snow. But the greener it is, the happier and spring-y-er, to me.

    I love to travel, too. I'd also like to go to Zew Zealand because I did a big project about it once. I also want to go to Italy, India, and especially Scotland, because I'm scottish. I'd like to go somewhere where there's lots of snow, too. Maybe that place right next to mount Rushmore? Not that I'd climb it, though! Just to see it.

    I hope you have a good summer of traveling!

  6. Inky, I love Apollo 13, too! My person got to go hear James Lovell speak a few weeks ago, and she said it was really neat.

  7. I love your shirt! Red pandas are so cool!

  8. Hi Inky! I love spring, too. But, today it is windy. Tía has been to Africa and saw a lot of animals. She lived in a hut, but I don't know if I'd like that.

    Where are you going for real this summer? I want to go to Japan, but will probably only go camping.


  9. I love your shirt too, Inky! Red pandas are my favorite animal! :)

  10. yeah i get nervous about the astronauts too.. sad thing is with challenger everyone died. :(
