Dunrobin Castle in Scotland

Dunrobin Castle, Scotland

After Brooke and I left Iceland, I thought there could be no place as exciting and magical. The Disney Magic steamed forward, and two days later, we docked in Scotland! It was time to visit the seat of the Earl of Sutherland - Dunrobin Castle!

Dunrobin Castle, Scotland

Dunrobin Castle is pretty big compared to my apartment building in NYC! The castle has 189 rooms. However, Brooke and I were there to explore the grounds.  Behind this wrought iron gate lie the waters of Durnoch Firth. It's such a beautiful place to explore!

Dunrobin Castle, Scotland

The grounds are filled with beautiful plants. Do you see the purple behind me? Those are thistles, the national symbol of Scotland! Later on, in the gift shop, I bought a little thistle pin for my backpack so that I could remember my time at Dunrobin Castle.

Dunrobin Castle, Scotland

The grass was so soft that Brooke just flopped onto the ground and enjoyed the sunshine. Since Norway and Iceland were both pretty chilly and there's no grass on the Disney Magic, it was really nice just to relax in the warm green grass.

Dunrobin Castle, Scotland

There were arbors and fountains everywhere! Dunrobin Castle is such a beautiful place. The groundskeepers work very hard to keep the castle and the castle ground in perfect condition.

Dunrobin Castle, Scotland

There were big steps leading up to the castle from the grounds. Brooke and I climbed on them and sang songs from The Sound of Music. The Dunrobin Castle steps are excellent places to pretend to be roaming around Salzburg wearing curtains!

Dunrobin Castle, Scotland

Dunrobin Castle reminded me a lot of the castles in Sleeping Beauty and Beauty & the Beast! I felt like royalty! The grounds are modeled after the French palace of Versailles, after all. The castle dates all the way back to the Middle Ages, but most of the castle was rebuilt and changed in the 1800s. Wouldn't it be fun to leave somewhere so fancy?

Dunrobin Castle, Scotland

From the top of the steps, just at the entrance to the castle, you can see the grounds stretching out to the firth. Isn't it so, so pretty? I am really happy that Brooke and I were able to visit.

Dunrobin Castle, Scotland

We stopped to use the restrooms before getting back on our coach to the Disney Magic. Before we boarded the coach, Brooke and I saw these beautiful flowers. We snapped photos of each other in front of the colorful blooms before waving goodbye to Dunrobin.

It was a really nice adventure.  Brooke and I thought it was nice and relaxing after all the excitement of Iceland! What about you? Do you prefer active adventures or relaxing outings?


  1. There should be a doll meetup in Scotland!

  2. Wow! I absolutely love exploring castles back in France, and this one is super pretty as well. I would love to visit Scotland someday. How many countries did you visit this summer?! While I had an amazing time on my Alaskan cruise, yours sounds even better.
