Hello New York City!

Iris has a new bag

I'm finally in my new house! Our bedroom is all set up. It's about the same size as before, but it's set up differently, so we have less space between our beds.

The drive across the country took so long! It wasn't as long as Cadence's move to California, but it took us three days. I rode in the back seat next to the crate with the cats. We don't eat fast food very often, but with four family members going out to the east coast, Iris was able to amass a big collection of Build a Bears. Her side of the room looks like a stuffed animal zoo! Plus, Iris got an Addy doll last month at the benefit sale.

Guess what else Iris got? This Kate Spade bag! The photo is of her holding it. She thinks she's such a swanky New Yorker now. Guess what she found inside it?

Iris with her new dog>

That's right! A chihuahua puppy! Isn't he adorable? He has his own brown leather collar and leash and a soft, soft blanket. He has a little tail and he wags it all the time. He's really cute, but he's too little to jump onto our beds, so he stands next to them and cries until one of us picks him up. Iris can put him in her new bag and carry him around with his head poking out of the special little hole!


So that's Iris's surprise. Apparently, I'll get a surprise too, but I haven't yet. I did get a really neat new globe for my room. Now I can keep track of where my friends Violet and Mieke are going! Mieke is in LA this week, lucky duck. She doesn't even know that we live in New York City now.

New York is okay so far. I have to get my ballet classes in order- so does Iris- and find out where the cool places for exploring are. I'm going to get a case for my new Metrocard. Plus? I heard that there's a doll mall here! I even marked it on the awesome map Violet gave me. I studied it all the way from Wisconsin, so I already knew where things were when I got here.

Live from New York! It's Inky!

1 comment

  1. I'd love to visit New York. It would be really different for me!
