Hiking in Ferguson Canyon

Inky in Ferguson Canyon

Hello my friends! Last week I had the opportunity to take a trip to sunny Utah with my Mama while my Mom was away at a work conference. I hadn't been to Utah in years, so I was looking forward to it.  The plane ride to Salt Lake City was really nice; the plane had in-seat entertainment, so I watched Big Hero 6 and munched on some coconut cashews.  Mama and I arrived in Utah late at night, so I went right to bed when I arrived where we were staying. The next morning though, it was time for some fun!

Inky in Ferguson Canyon

My first day's activity was hiking in Ferguson Canyon! It was pretty hot that day, but as we drove higher in elevation, it got cooler.  I was so excited to do some hiking as I hadn't since my family's big Costa Rica trip in December. I wore my pink hiking boots and got ready to scramble up the trail.  Hurrah!

Inky in Ferguson Canyon

The trail leads up from the trailhead parking lot past some water towers and then up, up, and up! I jumped from rock to rock.  Luckily Mama carried my water bottle for me, so I was able to use my hands to help pull myself up the steep trail.  I saw some rustling in the bushes; I think there might have been a lizard or a bunny!

Inky in Ferguson Canyon

We stopped for a rest at a little spring.  I was so excited to see it that I splashed right in, boots and all! It was so cold! My feet were definitely shivering after that! It felt good though, since the air was so warm.

Inky in Ferguson Canyon

I kept asking Mama to stop and take pictures of me because I was so excited to be out in the wilderness!  At the beginning of the trail I could look down into the neighborhood below, but as we walked farther, the sound of cars quieted and I only heard the breeze rustling through the leaves.

Inky in Ferguson Canyon

I was pretty tired from my travels the day before, so we didn't hike the whole trail. We stopped at some little cliffs for a string cheese and a granola bar.  After I finished my snack, I played in the little clefts in the small cliffs.  I thought it might be fun to be a prospector! What if I discovered a huge gold or copper nugget? Cool!

Inky in Ferguson Canyon

I loved playing in the sunshine! The rocks were so big and fun to climb.  It felt great to be out of the heat of New York City and up in the mountains.

Inky in Ferguson Canyon

Before long, it was time to head out of the canyon and back to the car.  Ferguson Canyon was so fun! It was a great way to start off my vacation.

Have you ever been on a hike? Where did you go? Did you see any wildlife?

In this post I'm wearing: shorts and boots by American Girl, tee by American Girl with a decal from the internet.


  1. Now you were near my neck of the woods! There are so many hiking trails in Utah! I love hikes that have water at the end. Timpanogos Caves were fun to hike. The caves are amazing. Stewart Falls is another fun hike. We saw a baby moose the last time. We stayed clear though, so the mother didn't charge us. We knew she was near, even though we didn't see her. These hikes are about 45 minutes south of the airport, so you'd have to rent a car. It's been raining the last day, so the skies are finally clear from the surrounding fires.

  2. Looks like an awesome day! We love to go hiking!

    Love your shorts! I was wearing them the other day! Great minds think alike, right?

    Nana Kestrel and Great Auntie DiPawl just got to Utah yesterday. I wonder if Ferguson will be one of their stops. Too bad they missed you. I'm going to share this post with them.
